Jim Clardy

Jim Clardy, former Booster Club President and my friend – and the friend of many others in the community – was killed in a motorcycle accident on Friday, July 29, 2016.

Jimmy C, as he’s known in the Auth household, was a special man. I love him with all my heart and soul. I particularly loved who I was when I was around him. I think this was Jimmy C’s gift – his superpower if you will. Somehow, without even seeming to try, he brought out the best version of me whenever we were together. He probably did that for a lot of people.

I’ve told anybody who would listen that Jimmy C hoodwinked me into taking over as Booster Club President, but the reality is of course much different. I did it because he asked me to do it. I was honored to be asked. And, most important, I didn’t want to disappoint him. Now I have to move on without him. I’m not sure I’m ready to do that. I know I don’t want to.

If you’re a praying person and have some time today, please send some to Jim, his family and the others he left behind.


Rodney J. Auth
2016-17 Booster Club President